Now you would think with the 4 days off I would have gotten some kind of post up! I was playing with photoshop and trying to get these pictures that I take with these crappy cameras to workout better, but I don't know I think if you have a bad picture to start, there is only so much you can do to it. I foresee a new camera in my future!
Anyway back to information! Not tons of crocheting done but I did get organized a bit, so that helps when I sit down to crochet. I managed to get the sunglasses case done though. I do like the way it came out even though my kids think it is too big!
I used Sugar n Cream yarns in Hot Pink and Lime and lined it with a pink Hawaiian fabric that I have. Now my glasses are safe and secure inside my purse.
I found a LYS this weekend that I did not know existed until Friday when I happened to drive past it and there were beautiful hanks of yarn hanging in the window! They carry fabulous yarns and I can't wait to spend my paychecks there!! Ok, maybe not my whole paycheck, but I do see a huge chunk going to that store!
Since going into the store I was inspired to dye my own yarn again.
This started off as an experiment with the tie dye dyes that I had left over. That didn't work, don't try it! All I ended up doing was turning the yarn a weird pinkish I broke out my trusty Kool-Aid! Always performs I expected. I used Orange, Grape and Cherry. the colors are usually a bit more vibrate but I think the over dying had something to do with that. I think I might make some wrist warmers with it now.
On Sunday we went to Bodega Bay to go Clam digging! Cold and muddy but we had fun!
I think that's it for today!
Sharon, thank you always for your kind words!
Listening to: And Love Said No by H.I.M.