Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Well I really have nothing to show for the last couple of days.  I am working on my red hat, but haven't taken pictures of the progress.  I am apparently rubbish at such things lately!  I did manage to finish up with the 10th Doctor and seriously cry all over again!  I have never watched a television show that has reduced me to tears so many times and even after repeating the episodes!  I didn't even cry this much at The Notebook!  Anyway, moved onto the 11th Doctor so it's a bit lighter, though I'm hearing that it is going to make me cry soon enough in the new series....trying VERY hard to avoid spoilers since we don't have BBCAmerica and won't be watching it until it pops up on Netflix!  It's ok though, I have my very own TARDIS now....ok well it is just a sticker on my car, but still!
On my car!
Now I was sitting and crocheting the other night at the table and Kid comes running in and jumps up on me with this wolf in his mouth.  Yep, that's an NWO Big Sexy wolf sans nose now.  I will do some repairs but I don't think Big Sexy will ever be the same!
Poor Kevin
All I've got for the day.  I am downloading and deleting picture on my flickr account and that's taking some time, though it would be so much easier to just upload them to my photo blog (nothing exciting, just pictures I've taken over the years)  from my flash drive where they are stored, but I'm at work and I don't have it with me.  Right, that's me off...I really must get some work done before the boss arrives from court!

Listening to:  Rise Above This by Seether

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