Monday, February 27, 2012

Trying to be back

After the boys left both Katlyn and I came down with something that we thought was going to be a cold, but Katlyn only had a quick bout of a sore throat and nothing really else.  I had a slight sore throat but now I am having major allergies, so really have no idea what the heck we are going through at my house, but my eyes itch and I sneeze like crazy and my head just feels full!  Ugh, not to mention the tissues I am going through at a very fast rate.  We have been drinking loads of tea too.
Really hard to get any crocheting done, with itchy, watery eyes.  I have managed one finished blue/green glove and started the next one, but that was while the kids were still here!  Got all the rounds done on Steven's hat the other night while watching Doctor Who, but haven't added ear flaps yet. much to do and me incapacitated.  I will try again tonight since I'm sure there will be more of The Doctor on tonight's viewing schedule though Katlyn is wanting a bit of Harry Potter too, but either way I can sit on the couch with my box of tissues and a cup of tea and crochet some ear flaps!  Maybe I'll work on the sister to this....
Glove 1 finished and at the park :)
I have pictures of the Boys visit, but they are on my laptop, which is at home and not here at work.  I will get them up tomorrow if I can remember!

I'm off to do some work, anything that doesn't require bending over because when I do my head feels like it wants to pop off!

Listening to:  I Dare You by Shinedown

1 comment:

BellaKarma said...

I feel for ya, Ronnie! I have some weird allergy-sinus-bug thing going on too! And my right eye has been watery for weeks!